Growing Up Hertz

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feeling Caffeinated

That's right, bitches, I still drink caffeine and nurse... sometimes at the same frickin' time. 

So what is it that Yorick sees something, he must topple it over, doesn't matter what it is. We hear resounding crashes all day long coming from whatever room he happens to be occupying at the time. My mother's precognition (you have instinct, I have precognition, I'm so much better), my mother's precognition tells me he's going to topple the swing with Phin in it one day when I leave for, like, a second to grab a paper towel or something.

Random thoughts about things I love right now...
I love
Burn Notice
Life on Mars - the BBC version (Josh thought I should specify)
Pumpkin Cheesecake ice cream from Ben and Jerry's
my sons' doctor
the fact that my boyfriend dreamt about World of Warcraft last night
Bessie Higgenbottom
my toddler's babbles
Lightroom 2

Here's what we're doing right now:

Just chillin' like villains, foo'.


Jennifer said...

LOL, Bryn, you crack me up. Hope no one is hurt in all the...ummm...toppling and that your precognition senses it before it's too bad! :)

Sara said...

WORD! to the caffeine and nursing. Maybe that's why Grace won't take a freakin' nap...

._. said...


welcome to randomness.. it is a fun place to be.

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