Growing Up Hertz

Monday, August 31, 2009

Some Pics From The Park

So, Josh stayed home and telecommuted today, and Yorick actually took an early nap (11:30am!!), so when he got up, I decided to take them on a walk to the park that is a few blocks away. This never ever seems as far as it ends up feeling!
He pointed out all the colors he saw along the way, and even started yelling "OCKA-GON! OCKA-GON!" and when I looked to see what he was pointing at... it was a window... in the shape of an octagon. Sometimes he surprises the hell out of me.
So me and the boys hung out at the park today, here's the photo essay:

He was so proud that he balanced this ball on the see saw.
And then he watched with dismay as it rolled off, he had hoped it would stay.
He's naming the colors of the climbing pegs as he goes up, lol.
Never wants to be left behind...
I kept making him run back and fetch his hat.
Phin feeling ambitious.
Mmmm, bowl of wood chips.
He ended up with the hat for awhile.
Looking bored as per his usual... the swings just aren't the stuff.
Yorick looking amused as per his usual.
I always earn myself a flower somehow.
Imaginary boo-boo, we're too much alike, it's so scary.
Phin making a break for it, while I was occupied with Yorick's hypochondria.
And then he got distracted by dandelions. I mean... who doesn't?
This park can be sooo pretty for pictures.
My little sandeater.
So, I figured out the best way home without a tantrum (Yorick would never ever want to leave) and yes, I played into his hypochondria, I'm a terrible parent. He skinned his knee, and knowing his love for bandaids, I told him we needed to get him immediately to bandage that up. Omg, he totally hopped in the stroller, ready to hit the Bactine.
And my favorite picture...
Phin demonstrating how we'll kill the shark.


WhteWolfS said...

Last photo is hilarious!

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