Growing Up Hertz

Friday, June 6, 2008

Things I Get Out of this Cushy Prison For:

That's right, cylons and viper pilots, it's BSG Friday. I didn't post anything last week because Lee Adama isn't worth a report. That was a horrible episode, sound off if you agree. And Husker just sittin' out there waiting for Roslin to come back seems a little retarded to me.

Sci-Fi Friday News

So, my love informed me last month of Peter Berg's intention to direct another Dune. Don't get me wrong, I love Peter Berg... he was awesome in Shocker. (hahahahahahaha) And I really liked Very Bad Things, which was his directorial debut. I know there are a lot of Friday Night Lights fans out there, but I hear there's no time or space travel in football so I opted to skip it.

Peter Berg directing Dune might not be the most "stellar" idea. *sorry sorry sorry*

And NOW... I find out that fracking Brian Herbert and Kevin J "I LOVE to fuck with beloved franchises" Anderson are co-producing.

kill me now.

Seriously... someone fetch me that gorram Bene Gesserit Pain Box and put me out of my miesry before the real pain begins.


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